According to science, there’s no better gift to unwrap than a replica lightsaber, and for a limited time, you can get one at a bargain price during Black Friday week. Best Buy is offering several lightsaber models from Hasbro’s Black Series at a 50% discount, but the catch here is that you only have until 10 PM PT / 1 AM ET to take advantage of these deals.

These are some great models of the elegant weapons from a more civilized age, and you can choose from versions that belonged to legendary Force-wielders like Darth Revan, Ahsoka Tano, Sabine Wren, and Jedi Master Yoda. The key features with each lightsaber is that they have sturdy hilts made from premium materials like real metal, vibrant LEDs in the blade, and a suite of authentic sound effects. Each one also comes with a stand to display them on, and you can remove the blade from the hilt to create a cool piece of modern art.
Darth Revan’s lightsaber is one of the stand-out replicas here, as it combines a unique design with a purple-to-red color-changing blade that captures the duality of the character. The sound effects are also pretty good, as there are progressive ignition, blaster deflection, and wall-cutting effects.
In case these sell out, you can grab some fantastic Star Wars books on sale right now. Even better, these are available as part of Amazon’s Buy Two, Get One Free promotion, so if you pick three books, the lowest-priced item in your basket will be a freebie. Our recommendations here would be the books covering the making of The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, as these provide an informative look behind the scenes.
Star Wars Buy Two Get One Free books

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