Online services for popular networks go down or suffer intermittent issues from time to time, and that’s exactly what’s going on now for Sony’s PlayStation Network. On Friday evening, players began reporting issues with PSN, and those issues are persisting some 12+ hours later.
The Ask PlayStation account acknowledged the issues, which are affecting pretty much ever major PSN service, including account management, the PlayStation Store, and the pretty important feature of launching and playing games. To sum up, this is a pretty significant outage, and as you might expect, people are letting Sony know by broadcasting their thoughts and opinions online.

The PSN going down on a Friday evening after people got off work and came home from school makes this latest outage quite annoying for people looking to play their favorite game. For people in New England, the outage comes just ahead of a huge snowstorm. Here’s to hoping Sony can fix the issues quickly so people can get back to enjoying whatever it is they want to play.
You can follow the official PSN Status page to get up-to-the-second updates on how the servers are running. We will update this post as more information becomes available.
The PSN infamously went down for more than three weeks back in 2011 after being attacked by hackers. There is no reason to believe something similar is happening this time.
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