The Sorceress is one of the six classes available to players in the early access build of Path of Exile 2. While it may not be the strongest class, you can turn the Sorceress into a boss-killing machine with the right skills and playstyle. Below, we’ve put together all the recommended Skill and Support Gems, Passives, and Ascendancy you should use with the Sorceress, as well as a brief overview of the class.
Sorceress Overview in Path of Exile 2
As a Sorceress, you can wield a few different weapons that give you access to a variety of different spells. These spells can be slotted into your binds without having to spend an Uncut Skill Gem on them. Sorceresses can use wands, staffs, and sceptres. Wands and staffs usually give you an elemental spell to use, while the sceptres often grant you the ability to utilize minions on the battlefield. Your choice of staff is actually quite important, as the associated spell with your gear plays a part in the build you make.
Sorceresses have access to three types of elemental damage: frost, lightning, and fire. You can still use minions and elemental damage spells at the same time, but you’ll usually want to synergize your main weapon’s spell with your other Skill Gems. However, there are some Spirit Gems for the Sorceress that utilize forms of minions as well, such as Raging Spirits. This Spirit Gem sends out three fire skulls that deal damage to enemies for you.

As you might expect, the Sorceress class is mainly based on the Intelligence attribute. Almost all your gear will require a high Intelligence stat but you’ll find Dexterity is also an attribute you want to invest at least a few points into. Raising Dexterity helps with the accuracy of your spells, and you need some points to equip certain pieces of gear.
Speaking of gear, your Sorceress will likely be decked out in lighter armor with modifiers that boost Intelligence, give you extra mana, and increase whatever type of elemental damage you’ve chosen to wield. The lighter armor adds to the notion that the Sorceress is a “glass cannon,” meaning it has terrific offensive abilities but not-so-great defensive stats. You can always wield gear with higher armor or dump some points into the Strength attribute if you feel you’re dying too much, but our build should take care of those concerns.
Best Sorceress Skills in Path of Exile 2
For the most part, the best Sorceress build utilizes frost damage to deal with enemies and bosses alike. While lightning and fire skills can be used in conjunction with frost damage, you’ll mostly be relying on your freezing spells to kill opponents. The skills you use will slot in right next to the preferred staff of choice, which is the Gelid Staff. This staff gives you access to the Freezing Shards spell, which goes nicely with all of the other frost skills you’ll be using.
During the early game as a Sorceress, you won’t have access to too many frost skills, with the best option being Ice Nova for close-range damage. However, as you progress, particularly into the Level 9 Skill Gems, you’ll start to build a solid lineup of frost spells to use.
One non-frost skill you want to utilize, especially during the early game, is Ember Fusillade. This is a stacking, fire spell that can be used to clear tons of enemies at once and deal massive damage to bosses. It doesn’t quite fit in the frost Sorceress build, but it’s a skill you’ll want to use before gaining access to your better frost skills.
Below, you can see what skills we recommend for the Sorceress:
- Flame Wall
- Ice Nova
- Ember Fusillade
- Frostbolt
- Cold Snap
- Frost Wall
- Flameblast

As you can see, there’s a solid mix of fire and frost spells here. However, the fire skills mainly come in the early game, where they’re a tad stronger than the alternative frost skills you have access to. Flame Wall and Ember Fusillade are terrific for dealing damage en masse while Ice Nova can get you out of jams with enemies that like to get a little too close.
In the teen levels of your Sorceress, you’ll start to unlock better frost skills like Frostbolt, Cold Snap, and Frost Wall. All of these skills will drive you to the end of Act 3 on normal difficulty in Path of Exile 2. Then, during your journey in the Cruel difficulty acts, you’ll unlock Flameblast, which is a huge fire skill that can only be used sparingly unless you want to run out of mana quickly.
Best Sorceress Support and Spirit Gems
With your skills in place, it’s time to kit them out with Support Gems to increase their stats and find some Spirit Gems to slot in alongside them.
Here are some Support Gems we recommend for a few skills, as well as the best Spirit Gems to use:
Support Gems
- Spell Cascade (Flame/Frost Wall)
- Ignition (Ember Fusillade)
- Scattershot (Frostbolt)
- Glaciation (Frostbolt)
- Magnified Effect (Flame Wall)
- Icicle (Frost Wall)
- Spell Echo (Cast on Freeze)
Spirit Gems
- Cast on Freeze
- Raging Spirits
- Blink

Best Sorceress Passive Skills
There are a few different ways you can go with your Passive Ability skill tree as a Sorceress. You can choose to lean into the “glass cannon” build and go for offensive stats that help you freeze enemies better or give you increased attack power. However, if you find yourself dying more often than you’d like, it’s probably wiser to choose defensive buffs that improve evasion rating, armor, and energy shield regeneration.
Here are some Passive Abilities we suggest for the Sorceress:
- Path of Winter
- Climate Change
- Echoing Frost
- Raw Power
- Open Mind
- Exploit the Elements
- Shattering

Best Sorceress Ascendancy
Finally, after you’ve leveled up your Sorceress enough, you’ll get to choose an Ascendancy for it in Path of Exile 2. The two options you have are Chronomancer and Stormweaver.
Our choice for an Ascendancy is going to Chronomancer. While Stormweaver is slightly better offensively, we decided it was best to give you extra defensive help so you can stay alive longer during fights. The Chronomancer Ascendancy has access to a buff called “Time Freeze,” which allows you to pause time briefly and get away from a sticky situation.
However, if you’re all about offense and dealing damage, then Stormweaver should be your pick. You can utilize abilities such as Heart of the Storm, Arcane Surge, and Elemental Storm, all of which help you deal damage in some way.
That does it for our Sorceress build in Path of Exile 2. If you’re looking to run another class, we recommend the Monk, which has a spectacular and balanced build.
#Path #Exile #Sorceress #Build #Guide