The new episode of Destiny 2, Heresy, brings with it tons of new ways to get loot and rank up throughout the next several weeks’ worth of activities, but looking at the two vendors can be a little complicated. Here’s how to get rewards from both the Shaping Slab and the Tome of Want in Destiny 2 Episode Heresy, as well as how to obtain and use a new material, Essence of Desire.
How to use the Shaping Slab
The Path of Resolve Shaping Slab is found in the HELM inside of Eris Morn’s apartment in the back corner. This stone monolithic structure is basically the season’s vendor for Heresy. Turning in Engrams for the season, unlocking rewards, and increasing reputation with this vendor is all done here.
The key new features of this vendor are Runic Enhancement and the Mysterium. Runic Enhancement is basically a reward path that is unlocked using Sigil Shards earned from Nether activities that give players additional benefits while inside Heresy activities, including Nether runs. These buffs and changes to gameplay include additional healing options, increasing Sigil Shard drops from any sources, and the ability to deal more damage. The Enhancement Level of the Shaping Slab determines the maximum power of runes that can be slotted into the enhancements and is increased for every two reputation ranks earned. So the more levels players have at the Shaping Slab, the more Runic Enhancements they can slot in. Runic Enhancements can also be changed during a Nether run at any time. Find a green glowing skull icon and interact with it to slot in different Runic Enhancements.
The Mysterium allows players to permanently enhance their abilities while aboard the Dreadnaught and in the Nether. These are permanent upgrades to Boons collected while on Nether runs. Collect each type of Boon numerous times and then there will be an option to unlock the Mysterium upgrade.
How to use the Tome of Want

The Tome of Want is obtained after completing an opening questline for Episode Heresy and visiting Eris Morn’s apartment for the first time. Upon hearing some dialogue from Sloane and Eris Morn, interact with the Path of Resolve Shaping Slab, where the second unlock is the Tome of Want. Raise your reputation with the Shaping Slab to level 2 and then purchase the Tome of Want from the Shaping Slab itself.
On the top rows are the Tome Engravings. These upgrades directly affect players in the Nether with various effects permanently applied during a Nether run. Each Engraving is unlocked as the Tome itself is used over time and experience is gained through completing Rituals.
To use the Tome of Want for loot choices, choose a section on the row labeled Ritual Rites and then pick a Scripture to place into the first slot. The Scripture will then curate the next run of the Nether, dropping whatever is dictated by the Scripture chosen for the slot. In the second slot is where a specialized Scripture for much more specific rewards can go ,like a specific weapon or the Amorphus Scripture of Ultimate Power. This exotic Scripture can be slotted in for a chance at any of the following:
- Weapon Scriptures in the first slot will provide one Ascendant Alloy.
- Armor Scriptures in the first slot will provide one Ascendant Shard.
- Currency Scriptures in the first slot will provide one Exotic Engram.
How to get and use Essence of Desire
The third slot of the Tome of Want is where players can spend two Essence of Desire, obtained by turning in stacks of 10 Metastasized Essentia from completed Nether runs to the Taken altar in Eris’ apartment, to obtain at three seasonal rewards at the end of a Nether activity. This initiates the Ritual and will trigger loot drops at the end of the next Nether run.
Players looking for new fun ways to take down the Hive in the Dreadnaught should also check out our guide on new Destiny 2 builds for Episode Heresy.
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