Diablo 4 is celebrating the year of the snake with the return of its Lunar Awakening event, and it’s making the event even more rewarding than last time around.
As detailed by Blizzard, the Lunar Awakening event will be live February 4-18 for both the game’s Eternal and Seasonal realms. Like last year’s event, Lunar Awakening replaces all of the game’s shrines with special Lunar Shrines. These shrines function much the same as their normal counterparts, only with even more powerful effects in addition to their usual ones. Lunar Artillery Shrines, for example, have a chance to blast enemies with a holy bomb in addition to piercing enemies with holy arrows as usual. Whereas Greed shrines typically just grant players more gold for killing monsters, the Lunar Greed Shrine actually makes it so every kill also has a chance to summon a Treasure Goblin.

The Lunar Shrine bonus effects are the same as they were during 2024’s event, but what is different this time is the amount of bonus XP players gain while under the effects of a shrine. For this year’s version, players will enjoy a 100%, multiplicative experience bonus for the duration of the shrine’s effects, up from 50% last year. That will make leveling a new character or earning endgame Paragon points even faster (and it’s already pretty darn fast to begin with).
Slaying monsters while under the effect of a Lunar Shrine will earn players the reputation needed to progress through the event’s reward track. There are 10 rewards in total to claim, including a mount, weapon appearances, and a Resplendent Spark needed to craft Mythic Uniques. Lunar Awakening-themed items will also be available on Diablo 4’s premium cosmetics shop for the duration of the event.
Diablo 4 recently saw the launch of Season 7–where players can equip new supernatural powers to aid them in slaying their foes. Many of the powers found in Season of Witchcraft, like Firebats and Piranhado, take inspiration from Diablo 3’s Witch Doctor.
The game’s most recent update saw the addition of the Armory to both the Eternal and Seasonal realms, allowing players to save up to five loadouts per character in the name of encouraging more build experimentation. It also brought major balance changes to Diablo 4’s Runewords and substantially nerfed its new expansion-exclusive class, the Spiritborn.
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