The latest Destiny 2 episode, Heresy, has arrived and with it plenty of big changes to classes. Tons of tweaks to the Arc subclass along with updates across the board have introduced some brand-new build possibilities. Here are three excellent builds for–one each for Titan, Warlock, and Hunter–that use some of the new features along with some different builds utilizing artifact perks. These include suggestions on which Exotic weapons, Fragments, Aspects, and Supers to combine for an effective and fun class setup.
Arc Warlock

The adjustments to the Arc subclass introduce a new mechanic known as Bolt Charge, which is a stacking elemental damage perk that unleashes a chain lightning burst when the stacks are full. Multiple sources of damage, including class abilities, will build up stacks of Bolt Charge. This build for Warlocks utilizes tons of Arc damage sources from both weapons and abilities to make the best use of it.
For armor, one of the best choices of Exotic is the Geomag Stabilizers. Extending the duration of your Chaos Reach Super will build up Bolt Charge stacks, and spreading Arc Damage around is crucial for making the most out of the new mechanic– these boots will help do just that. The patch released alongside the launch of Heresy changed Geomag Stabilizers to leverage Bolt Charge stacks: Sprinting while near maximum stacks will fill up the charges to unleash the attack from Bolt Charge.
The best weapon to pair with this build is the exotic Fusion Rifle Delicate Tomb. With its ability to generate Ionic Traces for Super energy and additionally adding more stacks of Bolt Charge. Delicate Tomb was also buffed for Episode Heresy with better chances to generate Ionic Traces, increased damage in PvE, and now the Tempest Cascade buff will last until the weapon is fired.
The subclass to use for this build is Stormcaller with the Chaos Reach Super, the Ball Lightning melee attack, and Flashbang Grenade. For the Aspects choose Electrostatic Mind for increased creation of Ionic Traces when defeating Blinded or Jolted targets, and Ionic Sentry for the new autonomous turret. Defeating targets with Arc abilities or weapons will build up charges for an Ionic Sentry, which is then deployed by using a Grenade attack.
Class Fragments for this build should be Spark of Resistance for increased damage resistance while surrounded, Spark of Discharge which spawns extra Ionic Traces on Arc weapon final blows, Spark of Beacons for blinding explosions on Heavy weapon final blows or special final blows, and Spark of Shock which debuffs targets hit by grenade attacks with Jolt.
Glaive Titan

This setup is for melee-loving Titan players. Utilizing the recent buffs to Destabilizing Rounds, which detonates enemies hit by Void weapons after dealing damage with Void abilities, this build centers around lots of close-quarters fighting.
The main Exotic armor for Titans using this build should be Synthoceps. When a player is surrounded by enemies, they gain buffs to melee and Super damage as well as faster weapon reload speed and weapon handling. While using a Glaive, the melee buff is further applied using the weapon’s close-range attack.
An excellent Exotic weapon to combine with this build is the class-exclusive Glaive Edge of Action from The Witch Queen expansion. Glaives combine both ranged and melee attacks and because of the emphasis on being Surrounded, further buffs from Synthoceps will make this weapon even stronger. As the Glaive builds up energy from hits with the ranged component, the special ability, Remote Shield, is triggered on full stacks. The next shot fired will put down a small dome shield wherever it is aimed at the ground. Hop inside the shield for extra defense and any enemy that comes inside the shield bubble is blinded and slowed.
For the subclass, Titans will need to be using Sentinel with the Twilight Arsenal Super. The Super can be exchanged for any other, as this build is not fully dependent on it, but Twilight Arsenal is the best all-rounder for the way this build functions. For class Aspects, the main one to choose is Controlled Demolition, which debuffs a target with Volatile when they’re hit by a Void ability or another Volatile explosion. Bastion is an excellent second choice for the Void overshield on use of the Void Super.
The Class Fragments for this build are Echo of Exchange, which grants grenade energy after a melee kill; Echo of Undermining, which weakens targets hit by grenade attacks; Echo of Persistence, which enhances Void-based buffs such as Overshield; and Echo of Leeching, which starts healing players and nearby allies upon a melee kill.
Prismatic Hunter

This build leverages an underutilized and largely unknown synergy between two Exotic items for large area-of-effect damage combined with the new Bolt Charge mechanics. When used correctly, players can expect to clear rooms in a hurry and deal lots of damage to more hearty targets quickly.
For the Exotics to use in this build, the two main choices are the Mothkeeper’s Wraps gauntlets and the weapon Ex Diris. Mothkeeper’s Wraps transforms the grenade ability into a bomb that releases two moths, one that applies a small Void overshield to you and a second that seeks a nearby target and explodes, causing the enemy to be blinded. Ex Diris is a special grenade launcher that shoots a large Arc projectile that detonates on impact. After a kill or rapid direct hits with it, its special perk spawns an additional moth that will seek nearby targets and explode, causing a blinding effect. Additionally, Ex Diris can shoot faster when dealing damage rapidly or the player takes sustained damage over time and survives.
The subclass Hunters will want to use for this one is Prismatic. For the grenade slot, any grenade can apply here, but the best option is Strand Grapple. The melee attack for this build works best with Snare Bomb, which lets players throw a small smoke bomb at a target that deals damage over time and disorients them. Aspects for this build use Stylish Executioner and Threaded Specter. Stylish Executioner will turn players invisible upon a kill with either a grenade or a melee ability, and the next melee attack while invisible will weaken a target. Threaded Specter spawns a Strand clone of the player when they use the Hunter’s dodge ability that attracts enemies to it that detonates after a few seconds.
Facet of Protection will boost damage resistance while surrounded and the effect is even stronger while using the Transcendence special ability. Facet of Dawn will grant players Radiance upon a powered melee kill, which increases weapon damage from Solar element sources and causes a heal over time. Facet of Purpose will grant an elemental shield based on the chosen Super’s element. Facet of Dominance causes Arc grenades to Jolt targets, which is applied via Ex Diris and the Mothkeeper’s Wraps special bombs.
#Destiny #Episode #Heresy #Builds #Hunter #Warlock #Titan